65 Global Regenerative movements must collaborate to get through to the hearts and minds of the public

The Silent Cacophony
In this article, I argue that regenerative movements must collaborate in order to penetrate the hearts and minds of the public. Only then will sufficient pressure be placed on politicians and policymakers to prioritise regenerative change.
I also include a description of how this could happen.


An interesting read. As is this writeup about the Zoho company. It says: “By ecosystem, Vembu means employees, customers, and the local communities Zoho serves” . Right. But shouldn’t ecosystem mean ecosystem? As in Web of LIfe?
At another point it says that Zoho built a hospital, which is "One of Zoho’s most ambitious regenerative actions ". Hospitals were built for a good while. Have they always been regenerative? Or is it just now that they have become regenerative? Obviously, I don’t think they are. They are just… hospitals.

To my mind, the only thing capable of regeneration is the Web of Life. It it also the Web of LIfe and its myriad functions that we all depend on, for oxygen, water, food etc. All human economic activities damage the Web of Life , or at the very least disturb it. And none of the given examples even mention it. They transport carpets the world over - in a ‘regenerative way’? I’m sorry, but nothing that is transported the world over can be regenerative - it is instead, damaging , sometimes more, other times less, but damaging nevertheless. No technological solution can be regenerative either, as it requires mining which destroys habitats, pollutes, it requires manufacture, transport, regular upgrades etc… .None of it is doing anything to help regeneration of the Web of LIfe, and none of it can survive without it, because humans can’t. I accept that the companies in question may treat their people a bit better than others do, which is nice.

So to my mind, the " focused beam of pure light to penetrate the gloom and illuminate the path towards regenerative change." can only mean that we, industrialised humans, focus on the Web of Life, whether it makes us money or not. That means (again, to my mind) protect living ecosystems where they are still thriving, restore damaged ecosystems that can be restored, green denuded areas (which are vast), and clean up the air, water and soil from human made chemicals. Once we do those few things,… we’ll have a reason to throw a very big worldwide party. But not before we do them.
Any thoughts?
I guess that is just one way to think of regeneration and there are many, hence the difficulty in coming up with that one beam of light to shine onto the world.

Zoho doesn’t ship carpets. If you read the full Zoho article you’d see that it includes ecological support.

Humans are also part of the web of life surely?

It’s easy to be cynical when hiding behind a non personal handle. Very brave of you.

Yes, Zoho doesn’t, but the other company that is mentioned does. I don’t think I am cynical, I just believe that we need to focus on the Web of Life, of which, you rightly point out, we are a part.