A Responsible Economy: Happiness, Health, and Basic Human Needs

September Meeting

This Thursday, 5th September.
I’m really looking forward to catching up with everyone – we’ve got a great session planned.Special Guest Speaker: Michael Joffe
Michael will be joining us to talk about something close to all our hearts: A Responsible Economy: Happiness, Health, and Basic Human Needs. With his background in epidemiology and public health at Imperial College London, he’s bringing some fresh and valuable insights to our conversation. You can check out more about his work on his website or dive into his recent book here (it’s free to download!).Agenda:

  • 0-5 mins: Welcome, apologies, and a quick share about our new Discourse platform and a resource from @Margreet Frieling on wellbeing measurement frameworks.
  • 5-15 mins: Quick check-in – let’s hear what everyone’s been up to.
  • 15-60 mins: Michael Joffe’s presentation
  • 60-75 mins: Q&A and discussion
  • 75-90 mins: Open Space – a chance for any of us to share or present something on our minds.

I’m really excited about this session, not just because of Michael’s talk, but because it’s always great to hear from all of you. Your insights and work never fail to inspire.Hope you can join us – it wouldn’t be the same without you!

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