Global Wellbeing Economies

Hi all and welcome to the discussion around Global Wellbeing Economies!

We are delighted to share with you some work we have been doing over the last year, and we would love for all of you to be part of it!

But first, let us share some details about what the Global Wellbeing Economies programme is.

The Global Wellbeing Economies (GWE) programme is a 2-year programme to create a vision of a global economic architecture in service of social and ecological justice, determine key changes required to fulfil that vision and develop and execute strategies to advocate for those changes.

In order to reimagine our global economic system so that it supports the flourishing of all life on this earth, we engaged visionary thinkers from both outside and inside the wellbeing economy movement who shared their insights while drawing on (where relevant) aligned reform initiatives.

These reform initiatives comprise legislation, pilot programmes, international movements, and global networks amongst other initiatives. You can find here a document with a brief description of what these initiatives entail.

At the same time, during the discussions with the visionary thinkers, six main themes were identified that resonate across these initiatives: embracing home; in service of life; sharing the sacred; respecting self-determination, sovereignty, and dignity; expanding our time horizons; learning, practicing, and governing together.

We would like to invite you to comment on this RAG Analysis answering the following three questions by replying directly below:

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  1. What is required in order for any of these initiatives to be implemented at a wider local level and/or at a global level?
  1. What are the necessary pathways to get these initiatives into place e.g. support from global institutions, local mobilisation/ collective will, political will?
  1. Can you provide your own comments on the initiatives and the indicated colours keeping in mind that:
    red: no relevance to the theme
    light red: very limited/ little relevance to the theme
    orange: some relevance to the theme
    light green: satisfying relevance to the theme
    dark green: strong relevance to the theme

@pedro @LiepolloP @presidente @renilde.becque @sarath @sophie We
would be very keen to hear your thoughts on these initiatives!

Hi Anna, many comments were provided in Costa Rica on these 6 themes during a session, which aimed at getting participant views on whether they agreed or disagreed with the themes, what was missing, what should be added, what should be amended, and so on.

It would make sense to first get a recap of that, such that we’re talking about the latest set rather than the pre-meeting set of themes.

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That´s very helpful to know! Thanks, Renilde! Would love to learn more about these comments.

Now I am back from leave, that is a task I am working on - summarising that feedback collected in CR.