Offer from Bristol University Press

Hi everyone! I’m Marina Gattás, Culture and Public Policy Lead at WEAll. I received an offer from the Bistol University Press with free access to several online publications, and discounts for print publications, that I’d like to make known to this group. Hope it is helpful, but feel free to say if it’s not. At the bottom I’ve included the contact details for the sales person who reached out to me, and there’s also the contact details in the body for the editorial team there, in case publishing with them is of interest.

Dear Marina Gattas,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m reaching out on behalf of Bristol University Press, home of Policy Press – a not-for-profit publisher of academic and policy research including research on health inequalities.

As an introduction to our publishing in this field, we curated a collection of free and open access books and articles here that we think will contribute to your team’s work.

Please do feel free to share this collection with your network. Our aim is to ensure that the vital work of our authors reaches the lecturers, researchers and policymakers who can use it to drive meaningful, real-world change.

Highlights from the collection include chapters from these recently published titles:

Social Murder?: Austerity and Life Expectancy in the UK by Dr David Walsh and Professor Gerry McCartney.
Combining robust evidence with real-life stories, this book demonstrates how austerity policies caused life expectancy stagnation and decline before going onto present what can be done to restore life expectancy improvements and reduce health inequalities.

Healthy Societies: Policy, Practice and Obstacles by Professor Graham Scambler.
Re-examining health, healthcare and societal health using the latest data and research, this book provides a clear, accessible account of the current state of health and healthcare in 21st century Britain.

How To Create Societies for Human Wellbeing by Dr Matthew Fisher.
This book presents a compelling new perspective on psychological wellbeing informed by evidence on human stress response, showing how our mental health is shaped by the social and cultural conditions in which we all live.

If you would be interested in an organisational bulk order of the print version of a particular title in the collection, we have worked with organisations previously to offer special bulk order discounts and would be happy to continue to do this - please don’t hesitate to contact me for a quotation. We can also offer to set up a special organisational discount code to share with your team as an alternative.

If you found the free digital collection of interest, you can request access to our full Health and Social Care Collection via your institution’s library. We offer tiered pricing on our collections tailored to smaller organisations and their libraries. For more details, or to request a free trial, institutions can contact our team at

Publish with us: If you are writing in this field, consider publishing your work with an ethical university press. To discuss your publishing projects, please contact our editorial team .

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Georgie Aldridge

Georgie Aldridge (she/her), Key Account Sales Executive
0117 455 9204
Bristol University Press, home of Policy Press

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