Share any upcoming in-person or online events with the network in this space. Events that you feel may be of interest and are connected to our common vision for a wellbeing economy.
On Sunday 22 September at 1:11 pm, land collectively with the One Home Journey in the Cradle of Humanity, Southern Africa ! Rama and Alexander warmly invite you to experience the poignant and powerful VISIONS, BLESSINGS AND HEALING SOUNDS of Indigenous Leaders, Wisdom Keepers, Earth Artists, Peacemakers and Future Builders at the iconic Credo Mutwa Cultural Village in SOWETO, as they welcome the One Home Journey and bless our collective vision of a world that is an inclusive and peaceful Home for the Family of Life on Earth for present and future generations. Together we can co-author a new story and co-create an inclusive and regenerative future of wellbeing for all life on Earth.
Register here:
On Thursday, Sept 26 at 9am Pacific, the California Hub will be hosting 2 speakers from Los Angeles County on the County’s Wellbeing Economy plans. They are working on Community Land Trusts, Preserving Small Businesses, Guaranteed Income and other measures. Message me if you would like more info to to sign up. David
The Democracy Collaborative will be hosting a webinar on the growing Community Wealth Building movement on 29 October - we hope to see many folks there!
Hey WEAll Family
We hope you’re doing well. In times like these, when conflict and injustice weigh heavily on our hearts, it’s clear that our current systems aren’t serving us. Which is why it is so important for us to keep coming together!
Here’s how to stay connected in October:
Global Members Calls – Wednesday, 16th October
This is one of our key opportunities to gather, share, and shape the conversation as a community. We’ve got an open agenda, and we want to hear from YOU!
Add your ideas to the co-created agenda here.
Europe/UK 2025 Strategy Session
@Margreet @Michael and @maria would love to meet with you next Thursday 17th October to share ideas and a potential strategy session for Europe and UK for 2025. Join them at 3.00pm UK Time or 4.00pm CEST via this Zoom Link: Launch Meeting - Zoom
October WEAll Talk: What is a Wellbeing Economy? – Thursday, 26th October
Know people who are curious about what a wellbeing economy really is? Then this talk is for them! @francesrayner will be getting into the core values and principles that define it—like Dignity, Nature, Participation, Purpose and Fairness—and explore real-world examples of how these ideas are already being put into practice.
Register here: Meeting Registration - Zoom
Missed our last WEAll Talk on Defining Afrikan Liberation?
Thank you to everyone who joined us for this powerful session! If you missed it, don’t worry—you can still catch the recording.
Watch here: []
Take care,
Reminder: WEAll Members Call Tomorrow – Join Us!
Hey there!
Just a quick reminder that our Global Members Call is happening tomorrow, Wednesday 16th October. We’ve got an exciting agenda lined up, including:
A look at The Purpose Documentary and how you can amplify it
Feedback from the UN Summit of the Future from @AamirahWEAll2
Plus, it’s a great space for co-creation and connection with fellow members!
Join one of the calls:
Call 1: 8:00 AM UTC – Ideal for Australasia/Europe/UK/Africa: Zoom Link: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Call 2: 3:00 PM UTC – Best for Americas/Europe/UK/Africa: Zoom Link: Launch Meeting - Zoom
We’re looking forward to seeing you there and hearing your thoughts!
Purpose — a Wellbeing Economies Film
Despite the fact that activity usually slows down a bit in January because the Christmas/Year End break takes people’s minds off things, we’re having a busy January, with eleven confirmed screenings so far (including a virtual one). Eight of them are taking place in Germany, two in Austria and one is in the UK, in Nottingham. As always, you’ll find all the details on our screenings overview: