Introduce yourself!

Hello, thanks for joining us!

Add a comment below and tell us a little about yourself so we can get to know each other.

Some questions if you’re struggling to get started…

  • When did you first discover the WEAll community?
  • What do you do for fun/for work/to relax?
  • Is there a dish you cook better than anyone else on the planet?

Hello :wave:

I’m John, one of the Founding Members of We Are Open Coop.

I live in St Albans in the UK with my partner and our two kids. I’m interested in the role Coops can play in a transition to a wellbeing economy.


:wave: Hi, I’m Doug and also a Founding Member of WAO.

I live in Northumberland, England which is a lovely place. I’m also massively biased.

(photo of Druridge Bay)


:fist: Hello! I’m Laura and like @john and @dajb , I’m a Founding Member of WAO. I live in Germany.


Hi, I’m Marina, part of the WEAll Amp Team - the one sending all the emails

The Office gif. Steve Carell as Michael and Rainn Wilson as Dwight raise the roof as they pump their palms toward the ceiling and bob their heads rhythmically.


Hi Aamirah here!

Also part of the WeAll Amp Team, here to support Marina

I live in Bristol in the UK.


Hello! Andrés here. Member of the core team of the Iberia Hub. Also a computer scientist and helping in IT support of some organizations.


I believe that I am David Green…live in Los Angeles and do things for wellbeing here and there. Mostly under the identity of WEAll California hub.


Hello! Margreet here from the WEAll Amp Team, joining you from France!


Hello! Lisa here, part of the WEAll global Amp team, based in beautiful Ayrshire in the west of Scotland. Also biased.


Greetings, Nick here, from the Boston area. Excited to help out with discourse testing!



TOH-BEE-LEH here (just sharing pronunciation here too :sweat_smile: ) From Johannesburg, South Africa.

When did you first discover the WEAll community?
I was working in a community in Jozi called Makers Valley- and when I heard about a “Wellbeing Economy” for the first time- I felt like what I knew internally was being articulated in the most beautiful way!

  • What do you do for fun/for work/to relax?
    I have just started to get back into dancing- Afro Fusion is what I have been doing recently and I am just LOVING it- it changes my whole mood.

  • Is there a dish you cook better than anyone else on the planet?
    Hmmm not sure about this one. :see_no_evil:


Howdy, Gibbs here in the Boston area in the US! I look forward to contributing to WEAL/Next Economy efforts wherever possible (including testing on Discourse). I first heard of WEALL via a Tim Jackson social media post.

I have worked in business strategy as a product manager and user experience researcher and am pursuing a Master’s in Sustainable Innovation. I hope to support WEALL-aligned businesses!


Helo pawb (Hello all)
Firstly apologies for only just giving the time to engage with the Discourse trial! I am a member of the Cymru (Wales) Hub here in the UK. I have been a life-long activist, mostly in environmental concerns and ‘small’ politics (Schumacher/Kohr), however always as a behind-the-scenes tinkerer. I am living with my wife and two children in what is known as One Planet Development (OPD)(it’s a Welsh planning designation for an agricultural development that is in keeping with a One Planet ecological footprint) and aspiring to be a model farm for others who wish to follow down the OPD path. As part of this I am trying to mobilise interest in WE in my local area and work as a volunteer with the Cymru/Wales hub to promote WE across this nation. Greetings.


Hello, I’m living in Sweden, and I used to build user interfaces for industrial computer systems way back in time. I guess this is Discord after reading the comments. From the computer screen I like it much better than the other platform we tried. Then there are a lot of new three letter abbrivations I have to learn - but it’s OK. I think the purpose of the communication platform is to learn from each other and to get inspired. I am involved in several non for profit organisations including the Swedish core hub. And I like the Cod of Conduct. If people only behaved according to it we would have no problem with talking to each other and living together.


Afro Fusion sounds interesting. To much of my energy often goes to “head work” like thinking, planing and frustration. Thats why moving the body is so important. Where I live I can go to Freemove yoga. Then the head is empty for a while.
Take care


Hi there! I’m Caitlyn from the Youth Climate Ambassadors for Wales (YCA) and Weall Cymru. I first discovered WEALL Cymru through a forum for young people where “YCA” was asked to attend.

Sorry for completing these so late but there was trouble with my email address which has now been updated!


Hello angels! I’m Ayo (pronounced ahh-yo / eye-oh). Currently in Atlanta, Georgia. Connected with WEAll back in 2019 after a long rambly conversation on the beach in Kenya with a former Amp team member and now serve on the Global Council :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Happy to be here and help test this platform, please excuse my tardiness! Would love if someone could help me figure out how to send gifs :face_with_monocle:


Welcoming newcomers to our online community! Please introduce yourselves (if you haven’t already). Share where you are in the world and what you are excited to use this space for. @chaimdemulder @stardrive @AnneHalldin @caitschannel0903 @LineFlora
@baronchadg @KatePetriw @bvherlin @robinstafford @fmweld @wajhadi @tim @HCIA @melmarhay @annesheridan


Hi, Minot here. I am based in Maine. I work in project finance. We are currently supporting large projects with clear social and environmental benefit.