Recap of 5th Sep Meeting and Save the Date for Nov 7th!


Thanks to everyone who joined our last session—it was a great exchange of ideas! For those who missed it, no worries—we’ve got you covered with a quick recap and all the resources from the meeting.

What We Talked About:
A HUGE THANK YOU to Michael Joffe, who gave a thought-provoking presentation on a “responsible economy” and the role of social determinants in health outcomes. He also stressed the need for a new way to measure economic success—going beyond GDP to consider well-being, health, and basic human needs.
Lindsay McLaren also touched on Canada’s Quality of Life Framework and how it might not be moving the needle in the right ways.
Conor shared some of the forthcoming events hosted by Therapy and Social Change Network which you can see here.
Peter shared about his involvement in a Repair Cafe with Together Culture.
We shared the Key Messaging for the UN Summit for the Future
We also shared the slide deck of examples of Wellbeing Measurement Frameworks from around the world.
Caroline Drommen asked if there were experts in International Trade and a Wellbeing Economy- if you have any inputs on this- please email her here:
And @Caroline Whyte shared more on the Irish Rethinking Growth conference:

We wrapped up with some great questions and ideas for how we could shift toward a more responsible and people-centred economy.

What’s Next:
Catch the Recording: If you missed the meeting or want to revisit any part of it, here’s the Zoom recording:

Passcode: VtA+1v$2
Michael’s Presentation: See the attached slides and check out his free book here.
Join Us on WEAll Together: We’re excited to take these discussions to our new digital platform—click here to join the Beyond GDP Working Group on WEAll Together and stay in the loop.

Looking Ahead to November:
Save the Date: Thursday, November 7th
This will be our final meeting for 2024, and we’d love to hear your ideas on how we can shape the working group in 2025. Want to present at the November session? Let me know!
Let’s keep the momentum going as we wrap up the year and start thinking about what’s next!

Thank you so much!

Just listening back thanks a million for sending on! We could look at raising more awareness of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance this should be media and society focus to see that another model of the world is possible!! Thanks a million Lizzy